The Children’s Blessing Basket is a ministry of Ascension Lutheran Church in Huntsville, AL. As we are blessed we are called to bless others.
Our mission is to collect children’s clothing to share with families. Clothing is donated by volunteers. We work to spread the love of Jesus Christ to His little ones in need. “Jesus Loves Me” stickers are placed in the pockets of the clothes, as well as “Jesus Loves You” Ascension cards. Harold Lawson has delivered children’s clothes to a church in Arkansas, which has a ministry to help people in low-income housing. A bag of clothes was given to each of 30 children. Sizes and needs were met. Volunteers assembled the bags with love.
A ministry to provide childcare–The Lighthouse–meeting those in need with low tuition, is located a few doors from our facility. Bags were made up of clothes for specific children in this childcare center. Marcia Pate, founder of the Blessing Basket Ministry, was excited to bless these children. Children’s clothes have also been taken to elementary schools with students in need, Boys & Girls Clubs, a neighborhood baby thrift shop, and a county high school … just to name a few. In addition, clothes have been given to a family that left with nothing after a fire consumed their home. Foster children have also benefited from the Blessing Basket.