On February 20, 2016, Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church hosted their annual North-South Steak Dinner and Auction. Pastor Timothy Sowers and his wife Kim hosted over 100 guests for the evening. The church puts on this event each year as a celebration and opportunity for Christian fellowship with their winter visitors from the north. This year’s festivities included a 50-50 drawing, auction, and music provided by Jim Slater, a winter visitor. Like Jim, many of the church’s winter guests have been coming down to the area and attending services at Christ Our Savior for years; some have even retired here and joined the congregation. This event allows everyone an opportunity to catch up, share stories and enjoy a wonderful meal. It also serves as an opportunity for the church to thank their visitors for their support throughout the winter months. Many of these visitors offer significant assistance to the church’s outreach programs such as their food pantry, their heart pillow program for cardiac patients, and the LWML’s work with underprivileged children at one of the local elementary schools. In addition to this event, the church’s LWML group sends out cards and newsletters to the winter visitors to keep them up-to-date on church happenings throughout the year.