On November 11-13, 2016, Junior Youth from around the Southern District gathered at Twin Lakes Camp in Florence, MS, to see Men in Black. No – not Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, …
but Pastor Greg Manning and Pastor Tim Schutt. Together, they shared lessons about reconciliation. The Youth learned that reconciliation means making things that were wrong between two folks right again. Because of his great love for us, God reconciled us to Himself through the death of Jesus Christ. “It’s all good” again between God and His beloved children. But we can also be reconciled with ourselves – no longer needing to feel guilt or shame. And reconciled with others – apologizing to those we have wronged and forgiving those who have wronged us. In this crazy world, there are plenty of conflicts inside and out to make right. 92 teens and 25 adults attended the gathering. The camp was beautiful, the weather perfect, and the kids amazing. It was encouraging to watch as everyone participated in songs, group games and challenges, Bible study, playing, and service activities. Hopefully family and friends will see these kids as God’s ambassadors, sharing and living the message of reconciliation. They know “it’s all good!”