The youth of Lamb of God (Slidell) and Trinity (Meridian) joined together for a 30-hour famine on April 28-29, 2017.
Nine teens and seven adults all ate lunch Friday at noon, then we came together at Lamb of God. Our time was filled with the World Vision Program–videos, games, Bible study, servant events and, well, NOT eating. We all gained a deeper understanding of the gnawing of hunger that so many people experience all the time. Through the games, we learned how much effort and frustration and desperation go into procuring and preparing and protecting precious food supplies. Through a poverty interactive simulator, we learned what difficult choices many people have to deal with. Do I stay in school or go to work in a different village to feed my family? Do we rebuild the farm ruined by flood or move to the city and hope to find work? All of us came away with an increased awareness of and compassion for the hungry and poor in the world, as well as a desire to help however we can. Enough donations were raised to feed three children for a year. Anyone wanting to donate more can contact World Vision or Food for the Poor directly.