The Lord has sent a Director of Christian Education intern to us at Grace Lutheran Church in Pensacola, FL.
He is young, he loves kids, he loves the Lord and is excited about ministry at Grace. Josh McNamara was born in Florida, then raised in Texas. When he was in high school, he came to the realization that a life of service and ministry was his calling. He graduated from Concordia University in Austin, TX, with a degree in religious education. Josh says his focus is serving others in a spiritual way, allowing God to impact the lives of children through his work. At our church, he is involved with our Action Teams for ministry, worship and praise, Sunday school, and vacation Bible school. He plans to provide GLC and the community with a 6-week summer day camp for children entering kindergarten through 8th grade. Other projects that Josh is planning include interactive VBS, Backyard Mission (an out-of-state mission trip – this year in Austin, TX), as well as Sunday school for teens and young adults. These programs will help our young people learn about Jesus, serve the community, and give them a firm spiritual foundation for the future. We welcome you, Josh!