Grace in Huntsville, AL, is on the move. (Remember the song we sang in VBS, “I’m in The Lord’s Army”?)
Our VBS will be held the week of July 10th. It is in the planning phase at this time. The theme will be: ”Cave Quest – Following Jesus, the Light of the World”.
We are implementing a men’s ministry – a forum in which to share/grow along with getting together. This involves providing a variety of options from which men can choose activities that will support their growth as servants of Christ. Their vision is to be passionate servants, partnering with the community to see lives transformed through Jesus for eternity.
A group of ladies meets at Grace on Monday afternoons, the “Sew ‘n Sews.” They make afghans, lap blankets and other useful items for our shut-ins and for needy charitable organizations. They also make pillowcase dresses which are shipped to children in Haiti.
The LWML Ladies of Grace (LOG) held a Quarterly Meeting on Saturday, April 23rd. A continental breakfast was served and the ladies enjoyed requesting and singing their favorite praise hymns. “Gifts from the Heart” were collected and taken to the District Convention held April 29th – May 1st in Gulfport, MS. Seven ladies accompanied by two of their husbands attended, along with the District Young Women’s Representative from Grace. Grace will be hosting a LWML Zone Rally in the fall. More about this will follow.
Grace is hosting a special event at Big Spring Park in downtown Huntsville on Sunday, June 26th. The celebration is to honor our veterans and those serving in the Armed Forces in the Huntsville area. This will be a community worship service featuring our choirs. Its focus is to spread the Gospel message.
Graduation Sunday was held May 22nd. All high school and college graduates were honored.