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July 2024

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost (Three Year Lectionary—Series B) (Proper 11B)

Jeremiah 23:1–6 Psalm 23 Ephesians 2:11–22 Mark 6:30–44 The Lord Jesus Shepherds His Church on Earth by the Ministry of the Gospel The Lord rebukes and removes “the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep” (Jer. 23:1). He gathers the flock, brings them back to the fold, and sets “shepherds over them who will care …
21 Jul
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Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (Three Year Lectionary—Series B) (Proper 12B)

Genesis 9:8–17 Psalm 136:1-9 Ephesians 3:14–21 Mark 6:45–56 Creation Is Redeemed and Sanctified by the Word of Christ Jesus Having spared faithful Noah and his family from the flood, the Lord established His covenant with them, “and with every living creature,” that never again would there be “a flood to destroy the earth” (Gen. 9:9–11). …
28 Jul
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Ninth Sunday after Trinity (One Year Lectionary)

2 Samuel 22:26–34 Psalm 51:1-12 1 Corinthians 10:6–13 Luke 16:1–9 (10–13) The Steward’s Shrewdness Sanctified “The master commended the dishonest manager for his shrewdness” (Luke 16:1–9). The steward’s shrewdness is praiseworthy for two reasons. First, he knew the master would be merciful. He trusted that the master would honor the debts he forgave in the …
28 Jul
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Commemoration of Robert Barnes, Confessor and Martyr

Remembered as a devoted disciple of Martin Luther, Robert Barnes is considered to be among the first Lutheran martyrs. Born in 1495, Barnes became the prior of the Augustinian monastery at Cambridge, England. Converted to Lutheran teaching, he shared his insights with many English scholars through writings and personal contacts. During a time of exile …
30 Jul
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