The voting body of the district convention consists of one pastoral delegate (one of the called and installed pastors of your parish) and one lay delegate (a member of your congregation it has “elected and deputed” to serve as representative) from each member congregation or parish (that is, the number of congregations served by one pastor or pastor(s) as a multi-congregation parish) of the district, as designated by the congregation or parish (Synod Const. Art. XII 10 a).
If your congregation or parish has more than one called and installed pastor, the congregation or parish must determine which pastor will represent it. Unless your congregation or parish has another official way to do this, a voters meeting should make this decision in advance of the upcoming circuit forum.
Your district will provide a means for these delegates to be credentialed by the congregation (means which involve the signature of two congregational officers), and these credentials will need to be presented to the district secretary either before or at the district convention for the delegates to be seated (Synod Bylaw 4.2.2).
If your congregation is part of a multi-congregation parish, the parish should have an agreed-upon means of selecting its delegates and voters from among its pastor(s) and lay membership. If your congregation is not the congregation sending the parish’s voting lay delegate, it may send an advisory lay delegate, with voice but no vote.
Procedures for registering and credentialing delegates will be forthcoming. Please take care to register delegates, voting and advisory, for the district convention as requested.
If your congregation is home to any other individual members of the Synod (perhaps an ordained minister other than the voter, whether active, candidate, or emeritus, or any commissioned minister on the roster of the Synod), it should know that these are, apart from a valid excuse, also to “serve as advisory delegates” (Synod Bylaw 4.2.3). The congregation might consider helping them to overcome obstacles to their attendance at the district convention, to exercise their rights and responsibilities as individual members of the Synod.
As it considers the work the district and Synod for and on behalf of the congregation and the service of district officers, boards, and commissions, and as it reviews material in the district Convention Workbook, the congregation or parish may well visit with its delegates regarding these matters so that they may be encouraged in and prepared for their service, which is on behalf of the whole congregation or parish.
Registration, Delegate Credentialing, and Excused Absences