For Shepherd of the Bay in Lillian, AL, the most important outreach event for the month of March was the celebration of the Risen Christ, which took place at the Spanish Cove Clubhouse on Easter Sunday morning, March 27, at 6:45 a.m. Planning and preparations for this event began early in the week with the purchase of items that were brought from the church to the Cove on Saturday. The rain, which had been relentless for days, was a big factor in attendance. Plus, a sky filled with clouds prevented viewing the sunrise. Nevertheless, those who did come experienced a service that was very meaningful. Pastors Leigeber and Wargo led the service and music was provided by John Dean on a newly purchased keyboard. After the inspiring service, where a wooden cross filled with flowers was a beautiful addition, those attending were invited to share a time of fellowship where the ladies served a continental breakfast of juices, coffee, and baked goods.