Confirmation Celebration at Trinity in Mobile

Pentecost Sunday, May 20, 2018, was an exciting day at Trinity Lutheran Church in Mobile, AL. Seventeen young people were confirmed and became the newest confirmed members of the congregation. They completed two years of instruction under the direction of Rev. Dr. Ulmer Marshall. After the service, a reception was held in the Marshall Fellowship Hall, in their honor to celebrate their accomplishments. They, along with their parents, have committed to continue their Christian education by attending Sunday school each Sunday.

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Holy Cross Supports Relay for Life

A Thrivent Action Team from Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Hattiesburg, MS, was a sponsor for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life held in Sumrall, MS, on May 5, 2018. Holy Cross super heroes for the event were firemen who serve our communities daily. Over $17,000 was raised for cancer research from the event. A good time was enjoyed by all that attended the Relay for Life event.

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Southern District Clergy Attend Black Clergy Caucus

Five Southern District clergy attended the annual Black Clergy Caucus in Chicago, IL, April 30th through May 2nd. St. Paul Lutheran Church of Chicago was the host church. Rev. Warren Lattimore (standing, middle, 3rd row), Rev. Jerome Terry (two right of Lattimore, same row), Rev. Aubrey J. Watson Jr. (third from right, same row), Rev. Dr. Ulmer Marshall (standing, left, back row), and Rev. Dr. McNair Ramsey (seated, left, front row) attended from the Southern District.

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