Faith Lutheran Church in Madison, Alabama, participated in the Little Hat, Big Hearts project for the American Heart Association. We shipped 98 tiny red crocheted hats, which were distributed to newborns.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Rejoice! Our time is in the hands of Jesus.
Let All Creation Rejoice!
Let All Creation Rejoice!
The mystery of the Incarnation overcomes the limits of time and space, proclaiming that The Christ refuses to be vague or abstract. Jesus is the Father’s concrete and specific love for His creation. God has humbled Himself to take on human flesh and empowered all of creation to be heralds of His gracious divinity for those who have eyes to see. Jesus has come to save us from our own, willful rebellious separating blindness, lack of fascination, amazement, humility, curiosity, and awe. The Father’s love begotten–Christ Jesus the Savior–is born.
– K.S.
Merry Christmas from the Southern District Staff:
Rev. Kurtis D. Schultz
Rev. Eric Johnson
Mr. Glenn Gerber
Mrs. Daisy Olmstead
Mrs. Sabine Laird
Ms. Muriel Budzeyko
Mrs. Janice Howard
Ms. Ronnie Giaise
Mr. Danny Kennedy
Thanksgiving Baskets – Redemption in Panama City
The congregation of Redemption Lutheran Church in Panama City, FL, pooled together to raise funds to purchase and distribute Thanksgiving baskets to identified needy families in the Panama City area.
Continue reading “Thanksgiving Baskets – Redemption in Panama City”
Baptism at Church of the Holy Spirit in Atalla
Gabriel Smith was baptized at Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit in Atalla, AL, on December 3. Continue reading “Baptism at Church of the Holy Spirit in Atalla”