This winter has found St. Paul’s in Foley, AL, alive with the sound of music as they now have a choir director. Sarah Schrader has formed an adult choir and a children’s choir, and they have been singing at the church service occasionally.
The LWML had a special appreciation dinner in February for our winter visitors, the snow birds. The roast pork dinner was well attended with over 100 people. There was a skit titled “Eve’s Diary,” read by David and Marsha Bremer, as well as Laura Johnson, that had the room filled with laughter.
The grounds committee has been busy getting the flower beds ready for spring planting of flowers, removing old unsightly bushes to make room for new bushes and trees.
Several members of the St. Paul’s quilting group were busy, with the help of a Thrivent Action Project, in obtaining much-needed curtains for the dorms at Camp Dixie to update the decor of the rooms.