More than 500 people attended Good Shepherd Shalimar’s Reformation Festival on Sunday, October 29, at the Fort Walton Landing, located on the beautiful intercoastal waterway. The event was open to the public.
The opening with “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” (entrance hymn), was followed by the “Message of Truth & Freedom,” preached by Pastor Ray Angerman. Family Life Minister, Curtis Wiese, then presented the children’s message. This was followed by main stage events, of three different musical groups throughout the day. Booths were set up, with information on Good Shepherd (where over 100 Luther’s Small Catechisms were distributed), Martin Luther and the Reformation, Lutherans’ for Life, LifeTree Café, and Lutheran World Relief with coffee and items for sale. Children’s activities included face painting, a ring toss, pumpkin carving, a puppet show, and a bouncy house. Red shirts were everywhere, with the Good Shepherd logo on the front and Luther’s seal on the back. What a wonderful day it was, with an exciting commemoration that gave Jesus ALL the glory. 500 years later, we are reminded that It’s Still All About Jesus. Elder/Outreach Committee member, Ron Artman, chaired the event.