Blessing Bags for Victims of Domestic Violence

Zenobia Bridges Washington recently spearheaded one of the first mission outreach projects for 2017 at Calvary Lutheran Church in Baton Rouge, LA. Rev. Gary Peterson is the pastor of Calvary. Members of the congregation contributed and provided 50 individual Blessing Bags filled with basic hygienic supplies for women and children who have escaped situations of domestic violence and abuse within their households.

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Southern District Deploys Disaster Relief Director to Texas coast

At the request of the Texas District, The Southern District has deployed our Disaster Relief Coordinator, Pastor Ed Brashier to Corpus Christi TX.  This area is the site of Hurricane Harvey’s land fall.  He will be coordinating clearing of fallen trees.  Please pray for the safety of the work crews.  You may also support their work CLICK HERE or go to to give online. You can send your checks also by mail to: Southern District – 100 Mission Dr. – Slidell LA 70460. Please mark them for Harvey Relief.

State of Texas Important Donation Plea


The overwhelming generosity of the public is greatly appreciated, however, the influx of donated items exceeds the needs of the impacted communities at this time. Therefore, the State of Texas is asking that you please DO NOT donate unsolicited goods such as used clothing, miscellaneous household items,
medicine, or perishable foodstuffs at this time.

As we continue to receive unsolicited donations, supporting agencies must redirect staff and volunteers away from providing direct services to survivors in order to sort, package, transport, warehouse, and distribute items that may not meet the needs of disaster survivors. If you have already collected items for Hurricane Harvey, please consider donating them to a nonprofit

If you have already collected items for Hurricane Harvey, please consider donating them to a nonprofit organization in your community that accepts in-kind donations.

The most effective way for individuals and private sector partners to support disaster survivors in their recovery is to donate money and time to trusted, reputable, voluntary or charitable organizations. Cash donations offer voluntary agencies and faith-based organizations the most flexibility to address urgently
developing needs, as well as needs that arise over the coming months and years. With cash in hand, these organizations can obtain needed resources locally which will help local economies recover.

GIVE: Cash gifts are needed the most at this time. 100% percent of your gifts will go to the affected areas. CLICK HERE or go to to give online. You can send your checks also by mail, to: Southern District – 100 Mission Dr. – Slidell LA 70460. Please mark them for Harvey Relief.